Bee pollen are tiny granules in or on the flower of a plant. The so-called pollen, or male sperm cells of the plants from microscopic grains. Few natural foods are blessed with so many and important nutrients in such a high concentration. Bee pollen, especially in men, is said to promote potency and sperm count. In pregnant women, the active ingredients in the bee pollen help to cover the additional requirements for essential substances.
Natur Power Pur - bee pollen contain not only the vegetable proteins (amino acids) but also hormones and enzymes which have an absolutely great effect on the human organism.

How do bee pollen develop?

Bees fly from flower to flower to collect the nectar of the plant with their long tongue or trunk for the extraction of the honey. The bee runs over the flower and picks up the fine pollen on its hind legs. There she has so-called "pollen pants". She mixes the pollen with digestive enzymes and saliva and pushes them into her pollen pants (certain devices on the hind legs) so that the pollen can be transported to the beehive. In pictures or in nature you can often see the pollen sticking to the legs of the bees in various colors. Bees collect pollen primarily as food for their brood.
How doe the ingredients of bee pollen work?
Dietary supplements to balance and support the diet (e.g. vitamin deficiency, during sports, during pregnancy, active ingredients that can help with potency problems) and promote digestion
Due to their antioxidant properties, bee pollen helps the body cope with stress more easily.
They offer a wide range and can help lift the mood and fight stress symptoms.
The ingredients protect the cardiovascular system and the body cells
It has been said for many generations that bee pollen is not only ideal for a healthy sex life, it also increases physical well-being. Positive influence on an increased number of sperm and an increase in fertility.
In addition, the ingredients have a positive effect on physical and mental performance and prevent premature aging. They have a huge impact on brain functions. They stimulate memory and the ability to concentrate
The ingredients of bee pollen can promote healthy hair and beautiful skin
Bee pollen contains a multitude of antioxidants, which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the lung tissue and can thus prevent the development of asthma.
At the same time, bee pollen reduces the presence of histamine, which eliminates many allergies. Especially against hay fever, the pollen has proven to be incredibly effective.
Bee pollen and the active ingredients it consists of, increase resistance to infectious diseases (e.g. colds, flu)
Even after years of research and investigation as well as countless attempts, bee pollen could not be produced entirely artificially in any laboratory. One more reason to believe in the wonder of nature and that we find a real treasure in nature.
The active ingredients in bee pollen are said to promote potency and sperm count in men
Athletes have long discovered pollen to increase their energy and endurance. Fitness naturally also affects sex life. Scientists have shown that pollen has a strong impact on sperm count and increases fertility. After regular and controlled administration of bee pollen, it was found that the sperm swam faster and survived longer. They were more agile and viable. Strong antioxidant properties and zinc, for example, are strongly linked for a healthy sex drive and a natural libido enhancer: a superfood for men.
Bee pollen in women during pregnancy
The rich substances help to cover the additional need for essential substances. For example, in the growth phases of children, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Bee pollen counteracts mood swings. They support physical and psychological stress at school, work, leisure and illness.

What is bee pollen made of? The ingredients
Bee pollen is also called golden granulate, bee bread or perga. Fresh bee pollen can provide a wide range of vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients. The pollen contains over 20 amino acids that our bodies need to form cells. Depending on the origin and time of harvest, the ingredients can be different. The main ingredients are:
carbohydrates and protein
free essential amino acids
linoleic, linolenic and eicosanoic acid in relatively high proportions
various vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, flavonoids, phytosterols
Vitamin content of bee pollen:
provitamin A, iacin, tocopherols, pantothenic acid
vitamin B2, C, B6
zinc, folic acid

What does the bee do with the pollen in the hive?
When the bee brings the pollen back into the beehive, it is salinated and stored in honeycomb cells and covered with a thin layer of propolis. This fermentation (with lactic acid bacteria and yeasts) makes the pollen durable and thus protects it from bacterial and fungal attack. The granulate is used as the main food for brood rearing.
How are pollen collected?
At the entrance to the beehive, the beekeeper attaches a so-called "pollen trap". The beekeeper can only collect the pollen of the bees with this trick by attaching a special attachment to the entrance of the beehive. Most of the time it is a grid or netting directly behind the flight hole through which the bee has to go to get inside. If the bees slip through the constriction, they strip off a large part of the pollen, whereby this harvest part falls into a pollen container fixed underneath. The pollen lumps are harvested around 2 times a day. Then they are cleaned so that they do not contain any foreign bodies and then dried. In this way, the small pollen of the bees creates edible, golden yellow and above all solid granules.

Due to the German Medicines Advertising Act, we are not allowed to make any statements about possible or proven curative effects in the case of diseases. There have been numerous studies and traditions worldwide for many centuries. Thousands of scientists from different countries have now studied the compositions, properties, applications, contraindications and dosage instructions of bee products. We want to give you something to think about through our blogs about natural products, especially bee products. We assume that if we have piqued your interest, you will also use other sources of information (e.g. internet, book trade, specialist magazines, ...) to gain extensive knowledge of bee pollen and natural and bee products. Please note that taking bee pollen is not a substitute for medical advice in the event of health problems. Bee products can be used in addition to medication.